Found USB 2.0 device 'USB DISK 2.0 USB Device' (13FE:4200) Found USB 3.0 device 'Generic STORAGE DEVICE USB Device' (05E3:0743) 2 devices found Disk type: Removable, Sector Size: 512 bytes Cylinders: 941, TracksPerCylinder: 255, SectorsPerTrack: 63 Partition type: GPT, NB Partitions: 1 Disk GUID: Size: 7.2 GB (7739510272 bytes) Start Sector: 2048, Attributes: 0x0000000000000000 The same: Extracting: F:\圆4\support\logging\sysprepetw.dll (22.7 KB) Extracting: F:\圆4\support\logging\windeployetw.dll (19.7 KB) Extracting: F:\圆4\support\logging\winsetupetw.dll (22.7 KB) Extracting: F:\圆4\autorun.inf (128 bytes) Unable to create file: Access is denied. Rufus downloads a script called Fido which in turn helps to download Windows 10 and Windows 8.1 ISO images. Although Rufus 3.5 gets this new feature, the feature is not fully integrated into Rufus. The log shows the point of failure - always Starting with Rufus 3.5, Rufus can download Windows 10 ISO from Microsoft servers and prepare the bootable USB. With various combinations of the parameters, it always gets about 2/3 through and throws up the error: "ISO image extraction failure". So tried using Rufus latest version, as recommended on various sites. Even tried reformatting them and changing the file format to/from FAT32/NTFS.
Rufus iso image extraction download install#
The official Windows Download Tool works fine as far as downloading a version for clean install goes - although strangely the ISO downloaded for Combo 32 & 64-bit is exactly the same size as the 64-bit only ISO - 5,739,776KB.īut then the Tool won't recognise my USB thumbdrives - two different 8GB thumbs. The internet access is so slow here that it takes a full day to download one copy.īut I keep getting failures and it's been driving me nuts for 3 days now. I am trying to create a Win10 install/recovery drive for repairing a system that is failing to boot and for general use.